they went to unprecedented lengths to win the contract 意味

  • その契約を勝ち取るために先例のないほどありとあらゆる手を尽くした


        win a contract:    契約{けいやく}を勝ち取る
        win unprecedented support from a public:    国民{こくみん}から前例{ぜんれい}のないほど高い支持{しじ}を受ける
        went:    {動} : go の過去形◆【語源】古語 wend(行く)の過去形より -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】we'nt、【@】ウェント
        win a contract with a for b:    A との B に関する契約{けいやく}を獲得{かくとく}する
        win a recording contract on:    ~とレコード契約{けいやく}を結ぶ
        win the consultancy contract with:    ~とのコンサルト契約{けいやく}を獲得{かくとく}する
        win the merchandising contract:    マーチャンダイジング契約{けいやく}を獲得{かくとく}する
        in lengths:    in lengths 所定の長さに[化学]
        unprecedented:    unprecedented 前代未聞 ぜんだいみもん 未曾有 みそう みぞう 破天荒 はてんこう 異例 いれい 空前 くうぜん 曠古 こうこ 類の無い 類のない るいのない
        as the months went by:    月日が経つにつれて
        effort that went into:    ~に費やされた[投入{とうにゅう}された]努力{どりょく}
        went missing on:    _日に行方不明{ゆくえ ふめい}になった、_日から行方{ゆくえ}が分からなくなっている
        continuous lengths:    continuous lengths 長尺物[化学]
        cut lengths:    cut lengths 定尺物[化学]
        go to such lengths:    そこまでする◆極端な対応など You don't need to go to such lengths. そこまでしなくても大丈夫ですよ。


  1. "they went their several ways" 意味
  2. "they went through the motions of pretending to choose a chairman" 意味
  3. "they went to a local playground" 意味
  4. "they went to supper at a friend's home" 意味
  5. "they went to the pub for a drink" 意味
  6. "they went up hill and down dale and finally reached the lake" 意味
  7. "they went up to their teacher" 意味
  8. "they went up to university" 意味
  9. "they wept copiously at her death" 意味
  10. "they went to supper at a friend's home" 意味
  11. "they went to the pub for a drink" 意味
  12. "they went up hill and down dale and finally reached the lake" 意味
  13. "they went up to their teacher" 意味

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